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Properties, uses and production process of succinic anhydride


chemical property?

      At room temperature, it is white orthogonal cone and double cone crystal. Slightly irritating smell. Insoluble in water and ether, soluble in chloroform.


      It is used in organic synthesis and is the raw material of alkyd resin, adhesive resin and anthraquinone dye for coatings. It is used in medicine to produce vitamin A and sulfonamides;

For manufacturing medicine, plasticizers and adhesives;

      Succinic anhydride is the intermediate of fungicide junhejing and plant growth regulator butyryl hydrazide;

      It is a raw material for coatings, pharmaceuticals, synthetic resins and dyes. The coating made of it has flexibility and water resistance, and it is used in medicine to produce vitamin A and sulfonamides. It can be used in the production of fungicides, pesticides and plant growth regulators. Succinic anhydride and its derivatives can be used as olefin polymerization catalyst, crosslinking agent of ester polymer condensate, light stabilizer of high polymer, ultraviolet absorber, etc., and also as oilfield auxiliary. Succinic anhydride can also be used to produce plasticizers. It also has many uses in the national defense system;

      It is used as an analytical reagent and also in the pharmaceutical industry and the synthesis of ester resins.

Production method

      1. Direct catalytic hydrogenation of maleic anhydride succinic anhydride can be prepared by hydrogenation of maleic anhydride in the presence of palladium alumina (or copper molybdate) catalyst at 160 and 5.8mpa. The conversion rate was 98.8%. The selectivity of succinic anhydride was 100%. 2. Succinic acid dehydration method succinic acid can be dehydrated to produce succinic anhydride by heating it to above 260 , or adding a certain amount of tetrahydronaphthalene and toluene and heating it to above 200 . The content and yield of succinic anhydride were about 90%. The dehydration process of succinic acid can also be carried out in the presence of dehydration agents such as acetic anhydride, phosphorus pentoxide and phosphorus oxychloride. For example, succinic acid and phosphorus oxychloride are heated and refluxed to make the hydrogen chloride gas escape, and then distilled under reduced pressure to collect 160-165 (5.33kpa) fractions. After cooling, white massive succinic anhydride is obtained.